Elisabeth has said YES to life, and took many risks and opportunities, following her calling. A diverse portfolio of professional experiences, educational processes and private inititatives give her a unique background.
inspirella stands for inspiration, aligned with the "estrellas" - the stars, the universe, transmitted by "ella" - her, Elisabeth.
We are part of the universe. Astrology is a perfect means of showing the impact of a whole system on the individual - in a personal setting, in relationships, in groups, in different situations, over time and much more.
Astrology helps us understand ourselves better, offers guidance for navigating life's challenges and connects us with our larger story.
Guidance for individuals and teams regarding their roles in a larger system. Fostering both, personal and professional development for enhanced performance and well-being.
Systemic coaching enables us to see the bigger picture and helps us understand the impact of our actions and behaviors on those around us, and vice versa. Resolving conflicts, achieving goals, as well as adapting to changes are specific goals that systemic coaching can support us in achieving.
Quickly changing environments are a big challenge for organizations. Strategies, structures and processes have to be aligned to the respective requirements for maintaining effectiveness and competitivity.
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